Operation Backpack News Release

It is that time once again when school-age children all over the south coast eagerly anticipate the beginning of the school year and all the excitement a new year brings. You can help make this fall better for a child and set the stage for a successful learning experience all throughout the school year by contributing to Coos Bay School District’s Operation Backpack. This program was started several years ago in order to provide back packs, school supplies, shoes and hygiene products for our students in need. It helps remove barriers and allow for all children to start school ready to succeed.

Instead of giving K - 7th grade students a list of school supplies to purchase, the district asks parents to pay a $25 school fee which the district uses to purchase basic school and classroom supplies for K-7th grade students. Families are asked to provide backpacks and PE shoes. For 8th - 12th grade, the costs are considerably more and depends on the involvement of the student. Costs include fees for books, student body cards, PE uniforms, class supplies, etc.

Unfortunately, there are families in the district who aren’t able to afford the fees or purchase the required supplies. We are asking the community to sponsor a student and cover their fee or donate backpacks, shoes, and hygiene products. Other needs include sweatpants and underwear for younger students who may have accidents during school hours.

The donated backpacks and supplies will be distributed to the schools where they are most needed. Our school nurses and secretaries will distribute the hygiene supplies and clothing throughout the school year as needed.

For each student sponsored, you’ll receive two tickets to any regular season 2019-2020 Marshfield High School Event involving athletics, drama, music, etc. Your donations are tax deductible.

Checks can be mailed and donated items can be delivered to Milner Crest Education Center at 1255 Hemlock Avenue in Coos Bay between 8:00am and 4:00pm. Indicate “Operation Backpack” on the check.

Thank you so much for considering to help our kids. For more information call 541-267-1310 or e-mail [email protected].