Nutrition Services

Coos Bay School District Schools partner with Sodexo to provide healthy, nutritious meals to our students.
CEP Program Information
Coos Bay School District is excited to announce that breakfast and lunch will be no cost to all the students across the district through June 30th, 2026.
All schools in the Coos Bay School District will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision, also known as CEP. It is a key provision of The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and allows the nation’s highest poverty districts and schools to serve all students free meals without the burden of collecting household applications. This alternative saves districts and schools time and money by streamlining paperwork and administrative requirements.
In order for the district to remain eligible for this program and other state and federal programs, parents were asked to fill out and return a simple income survey to the school office. Beyond this annual survey, no further action is needed.
Please call the Business Office if you have questions. 541-267-1305.
The Future Chefs Challenge
It’s never too early to start teaching students how to make healthy food choices, master basic cooking skills and engage in a little friendly competition. Sodexo Schools has spent the last decade helping students practice their culinary skills through the Future Chefs Challenge.
Hundreds of students are encouraged to submit recipes, based on a given theme each year, at the district level. Recipes are judged each year on taste, healthiness, kid friendliness, originality, ease of preparation, plate presentation and student chef presentations to the judges. The winner at each district then moves on to a regional round with others across the nation. One winner is chosen at the end of the contest and named the National Champion.
Preparations for the Challenge start in September, recipe submissions are made in early winter and the local challenges are held throughout the month of March. A National Winner is then announced, typically, in May. The winning recipe, along with three other student-created recipes from this contest, are added to the school menus in our promotional series the following school year. What a great way to showcase our students’ creativity, skills and initiative.
For more information about the Future Chefs Challenge please click here.
Food & Nutrition Useful Links
Meal Assistance — USDA Food & Nutrition Services child nutrition programs
Mindful by Sodexo — Healthy recipes and other helpful information from Sodexo
Sodexo Nutrition Solutions— Sodexo’s website Coos Bay School District containing a lot of resources with meal-related information
Nutrition Newsletters
February Menus
January Menus