School Board & Policy » School Board & Policy

School Board & Policy

Board Meetings
The seven-member School Board is the policy-making body of the school district. It is responsible for providing an educational program for students living within the District. To accomplish its role, the Board
  1. Determines the long-range direction of the District
  2. Establishes policies that direct the instructional and support programs
  3. Communicates with the community
  4. Employs and evaluates the superintendent
  5. Negotiates with employee groups to determine salaries and benefits
  6. Calls elections on bond proposals
  7. Approves the annual budget

Regular School Board meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are open to the public. For the 2022-2023 school year, meetings are held in person with a virtual option and streamed on the CBSD YouTube Page, unless otherwise stated. When meetings are in-person, they are held at the Milner Crest Educational Center, 1255 Hemlock Ave., Coos Bay. Regular Board meetings are usually on the 2nd Monday of each month. 

Questions: Call the Superintendent’s office for information at 541-267-1310.

Public participation time is scheduled at each regular meeting to allow community members the opportunity to share information or concerns about educational issues. 

All School Board Policy Documents are hosted by OSBA.
Policy Committee

The policy committee meets regularly to review policy and make recommendations to the board. It consists of 2-3 board members, with the Board Chair and Superintendent as ex officio members. Meetings are normally on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Milner Crest Education Center, 1255 Hemlock Ave., Coos Bay OR 97420. 
For more information, contact Kim Brick at [email protected] or Daven Cagley at [email protected] or 541-267-1310.