Procurement Methods
Small procurements (279B.065)
Any procurement of goods or services not exceeding $5,000 may be awarded in any manner deemed practical or convenient by the contracting agency, including by direct selection or award.
A procurement may not be artificially divided or fragmented so as to constitute a small procurement under this section.
Intermediate procurements (279B.070)
Any procurement of goods or services exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $150,000 may be awarded in accordance with intermediate procurement procedures.
A procurement may not be artificially divided or fragmented so as to constitute an intermediate procurement under this section.
When conducting an intermediate procurement, a contracting agency shall seek at least three informally solicited competitive price quotes or competitive proposals from prospective contractors. The contracting agency shall keep a written record of the sources of the quotes or proposals received. If three quotes or proposals are not reasonably available, fewer will suffice, but the contracting agency shall make a written record of the effort made to obtain the quotes or proposals.
If a contract is awarded, the contracting agency shall award the contract to the offeror whose quote or proposal will best serve the interests of the contracting agency, taking into account price as well as considerations including, but not limited to, experience, expertise, product functionality, suitability for a particular purpose and contractor responsibility under ORS 279B.110.
Large procurements
Any procurement of goods or services exceeding $150,000 you will need to consult with the Business Manager.
Sole-source procurements (279B.075)
A contracting agency may award a contract for goods or services without competition when the local contract review board determines in writing, in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 279A.065, that the goods or services, or class of goods or services, are available from only one source.
The determination of a sole source must be based on written findings that may include:
(a) That the efficient utilization of existing goods requires the acquisition of compatible goods or services;
(b) That the goods or services required for the exchange of software or data with other public or private agencies are available from only one source;
(c) That the goods or services are for use in a pilot or an experimental project; or
(d) Other findings that support the conclusion that the goods or services are available from only one source.
(3) To the extent reasonably practical, the contracting agency shall negotiate with the sole source to obtain contract terms advantageous to the contracting agency.
Emergency procurements (279B.080).
The head of a contracting agency, or a person designated under ORS 279A.075, may make or authorize others to make emergency procurements of goods or services in an emergency. The contracting agency shall document the nature of the emergency and describe the method used for the selection of the particular contractor.