Substitute Information
Thank you for your interest in Coos Bay School District! As a substitute you provide an invaluable service to our District.
Your desire to assist in the education of our students is sincerely appreciated.
Annually, you will be receiving a notification from Absence Management providing Notice of Reasonable Assurance. If you do not receive an email notification, please notify me immediately at [email protected].
Restricted Substitute License
Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) defines the license as "The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is issued to applicants who hold a bachelor's degree, but have not completed an educator- preparation program. Holders of this license may substitute for an unlimited number of days in a school year, but may NOT substitute in any one assignment for more than 10 consecutive days." Restricted Substitutes are NOT eligible for full time teaching or full time substituting. The Coos Bay School District will be monitoring this and if a Restricted Substitute is found to be out of compliance we may not provide future letters of support and/or rescind the current letter of support with TSPC.
Before substitutes can be placed on the Absence Management (AESOP) calling system, the following training must be completed through the Vector/SafeSchools system:
- Sexual Misconduct – Staff to Student
- Child Abuse Identification & Prevention
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Sexual Harassment
- Substitute Handbook
- Hazard Communication
- Integrated Pest Control
- Students Experiencing Homelessness
Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, ALL classified substitutes must apply through the TalentEd Recruit and Hire system.
Please visit the Employment Opportunities page for a listing of any classified substitute openings. Our substitute pool for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be open from July 1st through June 30th. If you were a classified substitute in the previous academic year you DO NOT need to reapply.