Early Intervention & Early Childhood Special Education
Early Intervention (EI) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) are specialized services offered throughout the state of Oregon to eligible children with special needs, ages birth to kindergarten. The Early Interventions services are provided for children ages 0-3 who need services due to a delay in any one of several developmental areas. These areas could include cognitive, communication, physical, self-help, or behavior development. Eligibility can also be determined based on a medical diagnosis of a condition that is likely to lead to a developmental delay.
The Early Childhood Special Education Services are provided for children ages 3-5 who need services due to a developmental delay or have been evaluated as having a school-age disability.
The South Coast Educational Services District (SCESD) initially screens children in Coos Bay School with a suspected disability. Their phone number is 541-269-4524. Following the initial screening, a referral is sent to the Coos Bay School District Evaluation Team. All evaluations are made with the knowledge and signed consent of the child’s parents. A team of professionals gathers together with the parent to discuss the results of the evaluation and discuss recommendations and eligibility for services for the child. If you have any questions regarding these services, please contact Lisa Amato, School Psychologist at 541-267-1327.
- Zero to Three The Zero to Three website is a wonderful resource for parents.
- Tip of the Week – gives you ideas and information about all areas of a young child’s development.
- Brain Wonders and The Magic of Everyday Moments® provides a wealth of information on how your child learns and grows.
- South Coast Education Service District
- Oregon Department of Education