Special Programs » Homeless Education/Foster Care

Homeless Education/Foster Care

Homeless Education/Foster Care

The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law guaranteeing all children and youth the right to an equal education, regardless of their living situation. Protection under the McKinney-Vento Act extends to those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

This definition includes students:

  • Sharing housing with friends, relatives, etc. due to the loss of housing, natural disaster, hardship, etc.
  • Living in a motel, trailer park, or campground due to the lack of alternative accommodations
  • Living somewhere not designed for human occupation
  • In shelters or substandard housing
  • In the above situation and not in the custody of an adult guardian

Those covered by the law have the right to:

  • Immediate enrollment, regardless of documentation, immunizations, etc.
  • Automatic eligibility for free/reduced lunch
  • Transportation to their school of origin (consistency in education)
  • Comparable education to all other students


National Center for Homeless Education 

Oregon Department of Education:  McKinney-Vento 

Oregon Department of Education:  Foster Care 

Local Resources

The ARK Project 

If you or your family are experiencing homelessness or are under sheltered contact the ARK Project.

Coos Bay School District liaison:

Melinda Torres

Phone: 541-267-3104  ext. 7115

[email protected]